Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bo B is Blowin Up!

Bo Burnham has turned his home made music videos into his own CD and Comedy Central Special. Oh yeah and he is still only 18 years old. He started posting videos for his older brother and they just started blowing up. He has over 37 million hits on Youtube which is freaking insane. This kids voice is pretty weak, but he is very talented on the keyboard, and his rhymes are as witty as I have ever heard. If he was black kid free-styling he would be considered a prodigy. Though music is just his canvas for his sattirical humor, which as you probably know is my favorite. I have posted videos of him a few time before, but I was quite suprised when I saw him on Comedy Central last night. Some of his songs are repetitive but this kid has some serious talent. Check out his website in which it has all of his Videos. Below is one of my favorites, it may have been posted before, but I like this kid and I want to get him as much exposure as I can. I may even go buy his CD and I cant remember the last one I have actually purchased. Check him out.

This brings me to a question. What does everyone think of YouTube and what it has allowed for people to do? I think it is such an amazing medium, yes you will find tons of useless crap of teenage girls, and my roommate giving there Twilight book reviews, but as a whole it is a great way to be seen or heard if you actually have something to show or say. I love the idea of being able to bypass mainstream media and go directly to the source. I am sure it is only a matter of time before you have to pay to view videos on YouTube but it has to be one of the best Websites of all time.

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