Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kanye West on American Idol

This is freaking hilarious. I was half expecting Simon Cowell to stop the music and tell this amazing singer to pack up his bags and get the fuck off the stage. Seriously, I know that in his robo voice he sounds decent on the radio, but cant his fans see what type of fraud he is? I mean when he was rapping, laying down fat beats, I liked this guy. Now, I wouldnt walk across the street to see him perform live. Even for American Idol this is awful.

1 comment:

C-Weed said...

If I have said it once, I have said it a million times. He is garbage. I don't think I will ever understand main stream music. In a related note I farted today and my toes started tapping, so maybe after all I am starting to appreciate it.