Friday, August 31, 2007

A Friday Rant Regarding Laziness

For the most part of the last year I have, done a good job fighting the one thing that has honestly held me back more than anything, laziness. I mean being able to self motivate has to be one of the best traits to have. Look at every truly successful person in this world and they all have the same ability to self motivate. For me this is a big problem, as I am too easily content.

So I have been spending years and years trying to find a cause for laziness. I think what most people would say is, "Gee, how can the kid that was handed everything on a golden platter, wonder why he is so lazy?" That is a good point, I was and still am a very fortunate young man. My parents did give me a lot, including a college tuition, that I tried to piss away. They have always been there for me in a time of need and both are in a situation where finacially they were always able to help. Spoiled some would call it. I dont care for any title of the sort because I do believe I am very thankful for what my parents have done, and I hope to do the same for my children some day. I also believe my parents made me work, I was working for my father from the age of 11 on weekends and began working summers at the age of 12. I never had a break from school where I did not work, and I usually tried to work there a bit while I was in school. Now I know for some of you, that seems like nothing, having two work one full time and often two jobs just to get through school. I am just saying, working has never been a problem for me, I am not afraid of hard work either as evident by the amount of work required to fix my duplex in a short period of time. I think my parents did a good job of giving me a work ethic, it may not be in line with my father or some people I know, but I wouldnt exactly call that a route of laziness either.

There is no possible way this problem can be genetic. My parents are two of the hardest working people I have ever met. When they are not busy at work, they are busy working on there 15 acre property. They seem to have a different project always going, and even in the late 50's there is no signs of slowing down. If hard work and self motivating was a part handed down from generation to generation, than I would be much further ahead right now.

Then the next logical answer I could think of was weed. What makes people more lazy than smoking a bowl? I mean if i do it, there is no chance you are getting something productive from me, in fact you can usually find me in one of two places places after I smoke, on the couch playing a video game, or in the kitchen making food. This seems logical, I have a chemical dependcy on something that is not only harmful, to my health, it is also harmful to my long term well being. However I sort of put that to bed, when I thought about when i smoke. I dont smoke before work, or early on the weekends, I usually smoke after I have been drinking or late at night. Really I think the weed is a bi-product of being lazy, moreso than Laziness is a bi product of weed.

So, after all this thought, which seriously I think about this a lot, in all the time I should be doing something productive. An irony that may best sum up the last ten years of my life. I have decided to pose the question to anyone that may be reading this blog. Can the route of laziness be determined, and if it can be will that stop me from being lazy? Hell right now I actually use laziness as an excuse. I have actually said, "I would have gotten it down, but I am too lazy". Does that line make any sense? I mean no shit, right! The worst part about laziness is I have gotten pretty far, even though I am lazy, it is scary where to think i would be if i had a little drive and motivation. Now I know this may seem like a pointless thread, but I am curious to know if others share my problem, or if any one knows a way to overcome laziness. The honest to god truth, is if I do find out, I may just think that the answer is rhetorical in nature, and just continue with the way I am going. The sad truth is I am just lazy enough to do that!


Anonymous said...

While Newton's First Law of Motion does not apply to laziness in a literal, scientific way, I do think it has some analogical application. It's about momentum.

"A body at rest tends to stay at rest. A body in motion tends to stay in motion."

Of course, Newton's "body" did not mean the human body, but I think laziness and activity are learned habits.

For example, do you remember when you actually used to do training for athletics? You work out everyday for several weeks, and suddenly, you start to feel restless and dissatisfied if you haven't had your workout for the day.

On the other hand, you also remember smoking weed and playing video games for months on end, and no matter how sincerely you promise that next semester will be different - alas - it is much the same.

The key is to figure out what you want to be doing with your lazy time. Then, just plain force yourself to do it for several days in a row. After a couple weeks, it will come naturally.

If not, pick up a bag and meet me at my house.

C-Weed said...

aahhh I think i am going for jog...and find Tim a giant bag of green. If you came up with that sober, I think I want to pump you lungs full of cheebah and pick your brain for awhile. That was pretty inspiring. Tasty you should just be happy that its your motivation thats lazy and not your eyes. You would be taking home a lot more fat chicks. But I suppose your just to lazy to chase after hot ones.

I think you said something interesting though. You said that you easily become content. I think that is more intriguing than anything else you wrote. It seems to be a mind set you have grown into. Like just doing things ok is fine. A trait that these "successful" people carry is that they are perfectionist in every aspect of life. As for people like us we choose what is important and what we will settle for just being ok. God I am spent...