Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Security Tapes Released!

Not sure if you guys remember from a few weeks back when I wrote my first ever weekend recap. Well if you haven't, before you watch this horrific security footage go back and read it, so that your up to speed. Well what I didn't tell you guys was that I caught a pretty vicious beat down in the parking lot the next morning from a group of black dudes that I was battle dancing against. Harper released the security tapes, I thought I would share them with our loyal readers. If you are weak stomached I wouldnt watch! There is a lot of serious trash talking and like thirteen cans of whoop ass being opened up on my face so consider yourself warned.

oh and yeah i do look a little bit like the older brother from Mr. Belvadeer i was pretty hungover, my eyes were pretty blood shot. I have since recovered.


Anonymous said...

Wow Craig that must have been pretty terrifying. Those hoodlum's looked menacing. How did you ever keep your cool? You took that betting with some flair.

Anonymous said...


Didn't you know that the B.A. was on Falcon turf?

I thought maybe you got beat up... but I knew it was them muthafuckin FAlcons that got your ass cuz the next day you looked like cooked spaghetti...