Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Real Life Terminator?

I often get caught up in the stories of hard work and percervance that it takes for an athlete to win an olympic gold (not sure why I dont really believe in hard work or percerverance)vanyways I cannot even begin to imagine how hard it is to try and win 8 gold medals over the course of one week. Well this article details what Michael Phelps week is going to be like in Beijing, and I all I can say is I am pretty damn sure this guy is a fucking cyborg. Thats right a living tissue over a machine skeleton. A T-1000 perhaps. I know TK may argue that Lance Armstrong is a better athlete, but coddamn this guy is amazing.

Must Read Phelps Article

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would say that Phelps and Armstrong have quite a bit in common. Freakish genetics plus flat out working at an obsessive, mentally ill level resulting in a level of dominance that should be humiliating to everyone else in the field.