Thursday, February 1, 2007

Top 5: Frozen Pizzas

I am pretty sure I can call myself an expert on this subject and as you know I like to keep my blogs to things I know about. The criteria of my list is simple: Taste, price, amount of toppings.

#5 Jacks- an old favorite of mine that you can still pick up for cheap 5 for 10. They have a good amount of different kinds of toppings so you can get a pizza for any mood. Downfall is they usually dont load up on there toppings.

#4 Jacks Rising Crust- A little bit more expensive than the Jacks thin but well worth it. These pizzas are delicious and are usually loaded with toppings.

#3 Tony's- Thanks Noel for turning me onto this gem. They are as cheap as Jacks thin crust and I believe taste better. Again they short you on the amount of toppings.

#2 Home Run Inn- This tops out on the best tasting frozen pizza and to be honest it is not even close. But at $7 a it is hard to stomach paying that much for a frozen pizza. I would say it tastes better than most delivery pizza though.

#1 Emils- Great tasting, loaded with toppings, and you can find them 3 for 10. Mostly known as bar pizza this is great for a late night after boozing with your friends.

I want to hear your lists. Come on people C$$ is in Cali so I need everyone else to pick it up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's my top 3:
1. Freschetta Brick Oven
2. Home Run Inn
3. Emil's