Tuesday, January 2, 2007


The new year is upon us and it started off with a pretty fun night. I almost got into a fight before I had my first drink on New Years so I new exactly what kind of night it was going to be. So Noel and I went on our NoDoz filled celebrity tour of Madison. Highlighted by me kissing Jason Chappells ass about how good of balla he is after I got down blasting him all day for being shitty. Also got the 411 on what Roy Boone is up to and from the looks of it just slayin the poon. I myself had a secret admirer on Sunday night. While standing outside of Brats this whale of a woman and I made eye contact and had ourselves a moment. The next thing I know she had her tongue down my throat and the sound of Noels giggles were all I could hear. Although we did not even say one word together I think I may be in love. It is true what they say the darker the berry the sweeter the juice. Probably the only girl I have kissed that weighs more than me, Aaron you may have bought me gyro just on principle. What a great win for the Badgers! Looks like they will be an early big ten favorite along with Michigan. Bielema did such a good job with this team. I wish the Michigan game would have came at the end of the year. Also thank you Boise Broncos for giving me the most exciting football game ever. By far the best finish i have seen are you kidding me a statue of liberty to win it all. Reason one million why we need a playoff. So yesterday was my first day of not drinking for 3 and half months. I have a feeling this will be as hard of thing as I have ever done. That first drink on the airplane out to Vegas is going to be delicious.

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