Monday, December 10, 2007


Today, Mike Vick was sentenced for his role in a dog fighting ring, to 23 months in prison. All I can say is wow Mike, you done fucked up. First of all I am not taking this dog fighting thing lightly, in the federal indictment it says the Mike Vick and his associates executed at least 8 dogs, using varying methods such as hanging, electricuting, and just beating them to death. This is a very serious matter that I think he should have gotten in trouble for, but 23 months in prison and a one year ban from the NFL after that seems to be a pretty steap punishment. It most likely gets worst for Vick as a dog killer is pretty much worse than being pedaphile in this country. I think it is pretty funny, that there are two people in the NFL that have killed men. Ray Lewis was not convicted of murder charges but was in a knife fight with a man that died of stabbing wounds, and Leonard Little, who killed a woman, in Drunk driving accident. Neither of these players were suspended a game by the NFL. Not to mention the countless number of sexual assualt charges these players seem to beat on a regular basis. Like I said before I dont think Dog fighting should be legal and I think this is serious, I just dont think it is as serious, as some of the things that go unpunished by our society from day to day. Shit a drug trafficking charge or illegal gun possesion charge would have only probably netted him probation. All I can say Ron, is dont forget your Valtrax prescription in prison, you dont want to infect all those pretty whiteboys that are about to be your bitch!


Anonymous said...

I agree to some extent that you would think that killing a person should be punished much more severely than killing a dog. Then again, look at the context and each individual's intent.

This is not a case of the law or the NFL valuing dogs over humans.

The authorities knew that they didn't have evidence to prove that Ray Lewis killed anybody. He pled guilty to obstruction. That was his crime. If Vick had only lied to cover up dogfighting and pled guilty to that, he would have never served a day.

As for Leonard Little, in my opinion, he deserved to pay much, much more than he did. Still, if Michael Vick had gotten drunk and accidently run over a dog, he would have been punished far less than Leonard Little was.

Vick raised dogs for the main purpose of abusing them and killing them. It was part of a detailed, elaborate plan that was carried out over YEARS to sacrifice the health and lives of dogs for pure entertainment value. He meant to do it, he planned to do it, and he did it over and over again without showing any remorse at all.

To prove that love of dogs is NOT the issue, what would have happened to Vick if he had been caging, fighting and murdering human beings instead of dogs? The chair, baby.

Big Tasty said...


I understand Mike Vick and his cohorts were conspiring on this for a long time. All the evidence shows that he was there, had knowledge of dog killing, and probably was also in the presence of the death of the weaker dogs. It is dispectable dont get me wrong and he let down a bunch of people. I just feel the federal government is making an example out of some of these guys that seem to be hanging with the wrong crowds. I got so used to professional athletes getting away with murder, that the 23 months Vick got suprised me. The point I was making is that 23 months is longer than some guys get for much more serious crimes as far as I am concerned. I am real interested to see if the federal government can convict Barry Bonds on his charges. It seems like perjury is something that is almost impossible to prove, but if they do he could see substantial jail time as well.